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student_documentation:distribution [2021/02/11 17:50] – external edit [2024/04/25 14:16] (current) Marco Schmid
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 ====== Pre Distribution Briefing & Distribution   ====== ====== Pre Distribution Briefing & Distribution   ======
-{{:student_documentation:telemetry_hardware_pre-distribution_briefing.pdf | Telemetry Briefing Presentation}}+{{:student_documentation:Telemetry_Briefing_2024.pdf | Telemetry Briefing Presentation}} 
 +{{:student_documentation:telemetry_selfinspection_be.pdf | Telemetry Self Inspection Checklist for BE}} 
 +{{:student_documentation:telemetry_selfinspection_h2.pdf | Telemetry Self Inspection Checklist for H2}} 
 +{{:student_documentation:telemetry_selfinspection_ice.pdf | Telemetry Self Inspection Checklist for ICE}} 
   - PRE DISTRIBUTION BRIEFING \\ Before collecting the telemetry equipment you need to attend the pre distribution briefing.   - PRE DISTRIBUTION BRIEFING \\ Before collecting the telemetry equipment you need to attend the pre distribution briefing.
   - COLLECTION OF TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT \\ Team managers will be invited to collect their team's telemetry equipment from the telemetry distribution desk immediately following pre distribution briefing. Team managers will be asked to sign an inventory of the equipment provided to them by the Organisers.\\   - COLLECTION OF TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT \\ Team managers will be invited to collect their team's telemetry equipment from the telemetry distribution desk immediately following pre distribution briefing. Team managers will be asked to sign an inventory of the equipment provided to them by the Organisers.\\
   - INSTALLATION OF TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT \\ Teams shall install telemetry equipment in their vehicles according to the installation instructions on the Student Telemetry Portal documentation and accompanying resources. If any questions or issues arise during this process we invite teams to carefully review the installation instructions on the Student Telemetry Portal and troubleshooting information. If a resolution cannot be found after review of the student documentation teams should present their questions to the Organisers at the telemetry equipment distribution desk.\\   - INSTALLATION OF TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT \\ Teams shall install telemetry equipment in their vehicles according to the installation instructions on the Student Telemetry Portal documentation and accompanying resources. If any questions or issues arise during this process we invite teams to carefully review the installation instructions on the Student Telemetry Portal and troubleshooting information. If a resolution cannot be found after review of the student documentation teams should present their questions to the Organisers at the telemetry equipment distribution desk.\\
 +  - **SELFINSPECTION IN THE PADDOCK**. At the Telemetry Briefing, we'll walk you hands-on through the above Self-Inspection Checklists. As you're installing the Telemetry kit in your vehicle, you check off all the boxes on your Checklist. We'll use the very same list at the Telemetry Inspection. 
   - RETURN OF TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT \\ Teams are responsible for the return of all equipment, listed on their telemetry inventory, during their check out process.   - RETURN OF TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT \\ Teams are responsible for the return of all equipment, listed on their telemetry inventory, during their check out process.
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 {{ :student_documentation:kit.png?nolink&400 |}} {{ :student_documentation:kit.png?nolink&400 |}}
-{{ :telemetry_data:team000.png?nolink&400 |}}+{{ :student_documentation:telemetry_kit.png?nolink&400 |}}
Log In (for D&T Team and Volunteers ONLY) student_documentation/distribution.1613065817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/11 17:50 by