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The following are the details for the 2021 Data & Telemetry Off-Track Award as described in the Shell Eco-marathon 2021 Official Rules, Chapter 1. Visit to learn more about the other categories available on the 2021 Virtual Off-track Awards.
This prize recognizes the conceptual design of how to use vehicle data real-time, or close to real-time, to improve the Team’s result in the Mileage Challenge. The award is open to both Prototype and Urban Concept Teams. The referenced vehicle data can be from the existing Shell telemetry system for Urban Concept vehicles (as described in Section 5). Additional data points that are not currently available through the Shell telemetry system may also be considered. Answers to the following questions will be used in judging the submissions.
Teams must answer the questions listed in Article 102:a) and explain how expected outcomes relate to the Shell Eco-marathon competition. Submissions that provide in-depth information on a specific use-case are preferred over those that give a general overview of preferred data points.
Application for this award is voluntary. Teams wishing to participate must submit design documentation in a PDF format. Design documentation should consist of a summary, design basis, any analysis, communication strategy, and other words clearly describing the Team’s approach. The design documentation must not exceed 1,500 words. Graphs and tables are not included in the word count.
Two webcasts were held to to familiarise you with the Data & Telemetry Off-track award, share how to make the most of the data collected from your vehicle and how to use that information to your advantage during the on-track competitions.
Recordings from both sessions are now available on youtube. The presentation content is the same but there were different questions asked - we encourage you to listen to both sessions' questions.
As part of each of the webcasts, a question and answer session was held. Below are a list of the most common questions and their respective answers that were asked during the webcast Q&A. Any further questions should be addressed to your regional Shell Eco-marathon Email address.
Q: Can a team with a prototype vehicle participate in the Data and Telemetry Off-Track Award?
A: YES, the off-track award is open to Prototype teams as well as Urban Concept teams. A Prototype team may submit the required design documentation for the Data and Telemetry Off-Track Award.
Q: Does the off-track submittal have to be based on the telemetry data provided by the Shell telemetry equipment?
A: No, a team may use any telemetry data available from a conceptual telemetry system. A team may use all, part, or none of the data provided by the Shell telemetry system.
Q: If a team uses its own telemetry system for testing and optimization purposes in their trials to prepare for the competition, would it be something you want to see included on the award submission?
A: The off-track award submission should address the questions listed in the award description. Teams are free to address those questions in any method they choose. The is NO REQUIREMENT for a team to have their own telemetry system to submit to the off-track award.
Q: Are we allowed to use our own telemetry systems and other forms of data for the concept for this award?
A: YES, teams can design a system to use data/parameters for their own telemetry system or a conceptual system that has not yet been built.
Q: If we do not use a telemetry system right now, can we submit a project explaining how we are going to make it after quarantine?
A: YES, the off-track award submittal does not have to be based on an existing telemetry system. There is NO REQUIREMENT to build a telemetry system now or in the future as part of the off-track award.
Q: Is March 3rd the final date for the submission? Can we submit a report by March 3rd and have the telemetry system ready by the time the mini marathon takes place?
A: Yes, the deadline for submitting your off-track award submittal is 3-March, 23:59 GMT. There is NO REQUIREMENT to build a telemetry system now or in the future as part of the off-track award. Please note that the day time will be different depending on what time zone you are in.
Q: Where can I get information about existing telemetry data?
A: Please look at the Team Telemetry Data section.