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Team Telemetry Data

Telemetry data will be made available to teams fitted with an On-board Computer shortly after each attempt. We hope that you will use this data to better understand your energy consumption and to improve your performance. Before contacting the Technical team with questions, please review this page and the contents of this Student Telemetry Portal carefully.

The Telemetry data will be available in the Live Results website, where the team will be able to log in using the login function at the top right of the page. The credentials will be shared on the day of telemetry distribution by the Student Comms team in the form of an email to the registered Team Manager.

This data is provided for research purposes only. Telemetry data is not used to calculate, nor does it replace official results. NO protests and NO modifications to official results will be allowed based on telemetry data. Telemetry data will be available in your specific team online folder, up to 30 minutes after the end of a race or attempt. Telemetry data will NOT be available for specific attempts if problems are suffered with GPS or other onboard sensors.

The following items can be downloaded for each run using the team-specific credentials provided to you:

  • Data Visualization Graphs
  • Comma-delimited text file with measured data and post-processed signals 

The following links will provide more information:

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Log In (for D&T Team and Volunteers ONLY) telemetry_data/home.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/08 17:02 by Melle de Wit