These data sets include measured data from the sensors, derived values using measured data, and data resulting from modeling. Modeling is necessary to better understand and to make better use of the measured data.
Channel Name | Format or units | Example | Data Group | Description |
obc_timeStamp | UNIX epoch time | 1665563504 | OBC | Timestamp from operating system of on-board computer. |
gps_utcTime | | 18.44.17 | GPS | Timestamp from GPS sensor. Updates once per second. |
gps_latitude | decimal degrees | 42.327805 | GPS | Latitude position from GPS. |
gps_longitude | decimal degrees | -83.048379 | GPS | Longitude position from GPS. |
gps_fixQuality | none | 1 | GPS | Quality of location values from GPS. |
gps_dilution | none | 0.8 | GPS | Strength of GPS signal. |
gps_speed | km/h | 10.9 | GPS | Vehicle speed from GPS. Updates once per second. |
jm3_netJoule | J | 5482 | JM | Net Joules measured by Joule Meter. |
jm3_voltage | mV | 12353 | JM | Instantaneous voltage measured by Joule Meter. |
jm3_current | mA | 12342 | JM | Instantaneous current measured by Joule Meter. |
lfm_netCounts | none | 389 | LFM | Pulses from Liquid Flowmeter indicating total flow rate, taking into account negative flow. |
lfm_posCounts | none | 411 | LFM | Pulses from Liquid Flowmeter indicating positive flow rate. |
lfm_temperature | °C | 18.1 | LFM | Temperature of fuel measured by Liquid Flowmeter. |
lfm_integratedCorrFlow | ml | 6.4468 | LFM | Volume of fuel consumed since last reset measured by Liquid Flowmeter. |
lfm_instantFlow | ml/min | 19.0278 | LFM | Instantaneous flow rate of fuel measured by Liquid Flowmeter. |
gfs_gasFlow | m^3/min | GFS | Instantaneous flow rate of gas measured by Gas Flowmeter. | |
gfs_gasTemp | °C | GFS | Temperature of gas measured by Gas Flowmeter. | |
gfs_netGasVolume | m^3 | GFS | Volume of gas consumed since last reset measured by Gas Flowmeter. | |
sup_VoltageIn | mV | 14800 | SUP | OBC supply voltage. |
all_energy | ml for ICE, l for Hydrogen, and J for Battery Electric | 14800 | ALL | Total cumulative energy consumption including starter or accessory battery (see Chapter I Rules Article 54). |
volt_voltage | mV | 14800 | VOLT | Current Supercap voltage reading. |
volt_difference | mV | 14800 | VOLT | Difference in Supercap voltage since reset. |
Lap | Number | 0 | Post GPS | Lap counter based on GPS position (subject to GPS strength). |