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Quick Start Guide

1. OBC Pod mounting
The mounting hole is drilled for OBC to have 90° Field of View to the sky. Please observe direction of travel and that both, pitch and roll, don't exceed 20° off horizon.

2. Backbone installation
The Backbone is placed so that 10cm cable can be pulled out of the shaft. Allow for 3 - 4 inches calbel lift available (A “fist” in between)

3. OBC Battery Charging & Mounting
Battery needs to be charged!

4. Liquid Flowmeter installation

5. Shutdown Relay wired

6. Quick check before inspection

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Log In (for D&T Team and Volunteers ONLY) student_documentation/quickstart.1649450662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/08 20:44 by Marco Schmid