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Channel Descriptions

These data sets include measured data from the sensors, derived values using measured data, and data resulting from modeling. Modeling is necessary to better understand and to make better use of the measured data.

Channel Name Format or units Example Data Group Description
obc_timeStamp YYYY_MMDD_
OBC Timestamp from operating system of on-board computer.
obc_sensor string LFM OBC String representing type of energy: LFM = Liquid Flow Meter.
gps_validity state ok GPS String representing GPS measurement validity: “ok” or “nok”.
gps_utcTime YYYY_MMDD_
GPS Timestamp from GPS sensor. Updates once per second.
gps_latitude degrees 42.327805 GPS Latitude position from GPS.
gps_longitude degrees -83.048379 GPS Longitude position from GPS.
gps_fixQuality none 1 GPS Quality of location values from GPS.
gps_dilution none 0.8 GPS Strength of GPS signal.
gps_speed km/hr 10.9 GPS Vehicle speed from GPS. Updates once per second.
jm_netJoule J 5482 JM Net Joules measured by Joule Meter.
jm_voltage mV 12353 JM Instantaneous voltage measured by Joule Meter.
jm_current mA 12342 JM Instantaneous current measured by Joule Meter.
lfm_temperature degC 18.1 LFM Temperature of fuel measured by Liquid Flow Meter.
lfm_integratedCorrFlow mL 6.4468 LFM Volume of fuel consumed since last reset measured by Liquid Flow Meter.
lfm_instantFlow mL/min 19.0278 LFM Instantaneous flow rate of fuel measured by Liquid Flow Meter.
gfs_gasFlow m^3/min GFS Instantaneous flow rate of gas measured by Gas Flow Sensor.
gfs_gasTemp degC GFS Temperature of gas measured by Gas Flow Sensor.
gfs_netGasVolume m^3 GFS Volume of gas consumed since last reset measured by Gas Flow Sensor.
Lap Number 0 Post GPS Lap counter based on GPS position (subject to GPS strength).
GPS Delta Distance (m) m 1.986111 Post GPS Difference in position since last GPS update.
GPS Distance (m) m 907.180556 Post GPS Integrated distance since last reset.
GPS Speed (m/s) m/s 3.027778 Post GPS Vehicle speed from GPS. Updates once per second. Converted to m/s for post processing purposes.
Acceleration (m/s^2) m/s2 2.166422 Post GPS Vehicle acceleration calculated from GPS vehicle speed.
Grade m/m 0 Post GPS Grade of track based on GPS position (not yet implemented).
e_accel W 781.196104 Post RL Physics-based modelling: Power component for vehicle acceleration.(may not be available for some cars)
e_grade W 0 Post RL Physics-based modelling: Power component for grade. may not be available for some cars)
Roll Resistance coef 0.007543 Post RL Physics-based modelling: Coefficient for rolling resistance based on tire pressure and vehicle speed. may not be available for some cars)
e_roll_resistance W 23.456789 Post RL Physics-based modelling: Power component for roll resistance. may not be available for some cars)
e_drag W 23.456789 Post RL Physics-based modelling: Power component for drag. may not be available for some cars)
e_Road_Load_Total W 923.456789 Post RL Physics-based modelling: Total of all power components. may not be available for some cars)
e_Road_Load_netJoules J Post RL Physics-based modelling: Total road load energy since last reset. may not be available for some cars)
e_Road_Load_Total_Force N Post RL Physics-based modelling: Force required to overcome total of all road load power components. may not be available for some cars)
e_Road_Load_Work kw*hr Post RL Physics-based modelling: Energy to overcome all road load components during this sample interval. may not be available for some cars)
LFM_corr_int mL 0.001234 Post LFM Volume of fuel consumed since last sample measured by Liquid Flow Meter corrected for 15°C density
LFM_corr mL 85.678987 Post LFM Volume of fuel consumed since last reset measured by Liquid Flow Meter.
LFM Flow Rate d15 mL/min mL/min 123.456789 Post LFM Instantaneous flow rate of fuel measured by Liquid Flow Meter.
LFM Integrated Fuel Economy d15 km/L km/L 543.987654 Post LFM & GPS Overall fuel economy since last reset up to current point in time.
LFM Instant BSFC g/kW-hr 543.987654 Post LFM & RL Estimated fuel efficiency in terms of energy consumed as grams of fuel versus energy needed to overcome road load.
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