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telemetry_data:channel_descriptions [2021/02/11 16:37] – external edit [2024/02/29 16:31] (current) Melle de Wit
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 ^  Channel Name  ^ Format or units ^ Example ^ Data Group ^ Description                 ^ ^  Channel Name  ^ Format or units ^ Example ^ Data Group ^ Description                 ^
-^  obc_timeStamp | YYYY_MMDD_\\ hhmm_ss.sss 2017_0430_\\ 1844_18.200  | OBC | Timestamp from operating system of on-board computer. | +^  obc_timeStamp | UNIX epoch time 1665563504  | OBC | Timestamp from operating system of on-board computer. | 
-^  obc_sensor string | LFM | OBC | String representing type of energy: LFM = Liquid Flow Meter+^  gps_utcTime 18.44.17  | GPS | Timestamp from GPS sensor. Updates once per second. | 
-^  gps_validity | state ok | GPS | String representing GPS measurement validity: "ok" or "nok"+^  gps_latitude | decimal degrees | 42.327805 | GPS | Latitude position from GPS. | 
-^  gps_utcTime | YYYY_MMDD_\\ hhmm_ss.sss | 2017_0430_\\ 1844_17.000  | GPS | Timestamp from GPS sensor. Updates once per second. | +^  gps_longitude | decimal degrees | -83.048379 | GPS | Longitude position from GPS. |
-^  gps_latitude | degrees | 42.327805 | GPS | Latitude position from GPS. | +
-^  gps_longitude | degrees | -83.048379 | GPS | Longitude position from GPS. |+
 ^  gps_fixQuality | none | 1 | GPS | Quality of location values from GPS. | ^  gps_fixQuality | none | 1 | GPS | Quality of location values from GPS. |
 ^  gps_dilution | none | 0.8 | GPS | Strength of GPS signal. | ^  gps_dilution | none | 0.8 | GPS | Strength of GPS signal. |
-^  gps_speed | km/hr  | 10.9 | GPS | Vehicle speed from GPS. Updates once per second. | +^  gps_speed | km/ | 10.9 | GPS | Vehicle speed from GPS. Updates once per second. | 
-^  jm_netJoule | J | 5482 | JM | Net Joules measured by Joule Meter. | +^  jm3_netJoule | J | 5482 | JM | Net Joules measured by Joule Meter. | 
-^  jm_voltage | mV | 12353 | JM | Instantaneous voltage measured by Joule Meter. | +^  jm3_voltage | mV | 12353 | JM | Instantaneous voltage measured by Joule Meter. | 
-^  jm_current | mA | 12342 | JM | Instantaneous current measured by Joule Meter. | +^  jm3_current | mA | 12342 | JM | Instantaneous current measured by Joule Meter. | 
-^  lfm_temperature | degC  | 18.1 | LFM | Temperature of fuel measured by Liquid Flow Meter. | +^  lfm_netCounts | none | 389 | LFM | Pulses from Liquid Flowmeter indicating total flow rate, taking into account negative flow. | 
-^  lfm_integratedCorrFlow | mL  | 6.4468 | LFM | Volume of fuel consumed since last reset measured by Liquid Flow Meter. | +^  lfm_posCounts | none | 411 | LFM | Pulses from Liquid Flowmeter indicating positive flow rate. | 
-^  lfm_instantFlow | mL/min | 19.0278 | LFM | Instantaneous flow rate of fuel measured by Liquid Flow Meter.  | +^  lfm_temperature | °C  | 18.1 | LFM | Temperature of fuel measured by Liquid Flowmeter. | 
-^  gfs_gasFlow | m%%^%%3/min |  | GFS | Instantaneous flow rate of gas measured by Gas Flow Sensor. | +^  lfm_integratedCorrFlow | ml  | 6.4468 | LFM | Volume of fuel consumed since last reset measured by Liquid Flowmeter. | 
-^  gfs_gasTemp | degC  |  | GFS | Temperature of gas measured by Gas Flow Sensor. | +^  lfm_instantFlow | ml/min | 19.0278 | LFM | Instantaneous flow rate of fuel measured by Liquid Flowmeter.  | 
-^  gfs_netGasVolume | m%%^%%3 |  | GFS | Volume of gas consumed since last reset measured by Gas Flow Sensor. |+^  gfs_gasFlow | m%%^%%3/min |  | GFS | Instantaneous flow rate of gas measured by Gas Flowmeter. | 
 +^  gfs_gasTemp | °C  |  | GFS | Temperature of gas measured by Gas Flowmeter. | 
 +^  gfs_netGasVolume | m%%^%%3 |  | GFS | Volume of gas consumed since last reset measured by Gas Flowmeter. | 
 +^  sup_VoltageIn | mV | 14800 | SUP | OBC supply voltage. | 
 +^  all_energy | ml for ICE, l for Hydrogen, and J for Battery Electric | 14800 | ALL | Total cumulative energy consumption including starter or accessory battery (see Chapter I Rules Article 54). | 
 +^  volt_voltage | mV | 14800 | VOLT | Current Supercap voltage reading. | 
 +^  volt_difference | mV | 14800 | VOLT | Difference in Supercap voltage since reset. |
 ^  Lap | Number | 0 | Post GPS | Lap counter based on GPS position (subject to GPS strength). | ^  Lap | Number | 0 | Post GPS | Lap counter based on GPS position (subject to GPS strength). |
-^  GPS Delta Distance (m) | m | 1.986111 | Post GPS | Difference in position since last GPS update. | +
-^  GPS Distance (m) | m | 907.180556 | Post GPS | Integrated distance since last reset. +
-^  GPS Speed (m/s) | m/s | 3.027778 | Post GPS | Vehicle speed from GPS. Updates once per second. Converted to m/s for post processing purposes. | +
-^  Acceleration (m/s%%^%%2) | m/s2 | 2.166422 | Post GPS | Vehicle acceleration calculated from GPS vehicle speed. | +
-^  Grade | m/m | 0 | Post GPS | Grade of track based on GPS position (not yet implemented). | +
-^  e_accel | W | 781.196104 | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Power component for vehicle acceleration.(may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  e_grade | W | 0 | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Power component for grade. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  Roll Resistance coef |  | 0.007543 | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Coefficient for rolling resistance based on tire pressure and vehicle speed. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  e_roll_resistance | W | 23.456789 | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Power component for roll resistance. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  e_drag | W | 23.456789 | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Power component for drag. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  e_Road_Load_Total | W | 923.456789 | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Total of all power components. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  e_Road_Load_netJoules | J |  | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Total road load energy since last reset. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  e_Road_Load_Total_Force | N |  | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Force required to overcome total of all road load power components. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  e_Road_Load_Work | kw*hr |  | Post RL | Physics-based modelling: Energy to overcome all road load components during this sample interval. may not be available for some cars) | +
-^  LFM_corr_int | mL | 0.001234 | Post LFM | Volume of fuel consumed since last sample measured by Liquid Flow Meter corrected for 15°C density | +
-^  LFM_corr | mL | 85.678987 | Post LFM | Volume of fuel consumed since last reset measured by Liquid Flow Meter. +
-^  LFM Flow Rate d15 mL/min | mL/min | 123.456789 | Post LFM | Instantaneous flow rate of fuel measured by Liquid Flow Meter. | +
-^  LFM Integrated Fuel Economy d15 km/L | km/L | 543.987654 | Post LFM & GPS | Overall fuel economy since last reset up to current point in time. | +
-^  LFM Instant BSFC | g/kW-hr | 543.987654 | Post LFM & RL | Estimated fuel efficiency in terms of energy consumed as grams of fuel versus energy needed to overcome road load. |+
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